A public performance about gender politics, labor, and women's rights in Brooklyn; initiated by Suzanne Lacy with Creative Time and Brooklyn Museum
Project News
The most comprehensive map of racial distribution in the United States.
Dec 7
Part 2 on our readings series Quantifying Bloodlines
Jan 23
Join us for a panel presentation and discussion about the long and diverse history of Islam in America.
Dec 14
Join us for an interactive presentation and dialogue about mixed-race identity and the role of science fiction in creating racial justice.
Nov 9
Let's talk about race, ethnicity, and identity as it relates to art, filmmaking, and media. Join us for a panel discussion and interactive conversation!
Tanner Colby and Baratunde Thurston on interracial friendship via WNYC
And other comments a mother of multiracial children hears often
Melissa Harris-Perry panel discusses Reuters poll that says that 40% of white Americans do not have a friend of another race
New Reuters poll exposes trends in interracial friendships.