A project of Brooklyn Historical Society

Project News

Oct 19
A public performance about gender politics, labor, and women's rights in Brooklyn; initiated by Suzanne Lacy with Creative Time and Brooklyn Museum
Will they ever be common? via Bitch Magazine
Essay and portrait photography via National Geographic
The most comprehensive map of racial distribution in the United States.
Dec 7
Part 2 on our readings series Quantifying Bloodlines
Jan 23
Join us for a panel presentation and discussion about the long and diverse history of Islam in America.
Dec 14
Join us for an interactive presentation and dialogue about mixed-race identity and the role of science fiction in creating racial justice.
Nov 9
Let's talk about race, ethnicity, and identity as it relates to art, filmmaking, and media. Join us for a panel discussion and interactive conversation!
Tanner Colby and Baratunde Thurston on interracial friendship via WNYC
A personal essay by Dr. Brittney Cooper via Salon.com
Just the Three of Us by Angela Tucker
And other comments a mother of multiracial children hears often
A short documentary about mixed marriage in the United Arab Emirates
An open letter via Huffington Post
Melissa Harris-Perry panel discusses Reuters poll that says that 40% of white Americans do not have a friend of another race
New Reuters poll exposes trends in interracial friendships.
Check out the celebration
New CBBG Project Associate
And the news that it ignited racist responses
