Part 3 of Mixed Mondays film series is the first U.S preview of Toasted Marshmallows' documentary about mixed-race women in North America
Past Events (2013-2014)
Part 2 of Mixed Mondays film series is Oscar-nominated My Beautiful Laundrette - about mixed, immigrant, and queer relationships in London
Part 1 of our summer Mixed Monday film series is a 1959 Lana Turner classic - Imitation of Life
How does our belief in race affect our most intimate relationships?
Come talk about race, gender, sexuality and media with four zinesters, activists and media-makers.
The Loving Story screening with CUNY Law Professor, Victor Goode, and co-producer Patricia Romeu
Join us for a panel presentation and discussion about the long and diverse history of Islam in America.
Join us for an interactive presentation and dialogue about mixed-race identity and the role of science fiction in creating racial justice.
Part 2 on our readings series Quantifying Bloodlines
Part 1 in our reading series: Quantifying Bloodlines
Join Lucia Trimbur to discuss her new book and Gleason's Gym, New York's oldest boxing institution.
Let's talk about race, ethnicity, and identity as it relates to art, filmmaking, and media. Join us for a panel discussion and interactive conversation!
A public performance about gender politics, labor, and women's rights in Brooklyn; initiated by Suzanne Lacy with Creative Time and Brooklyn Museum
8-session literature and writing workshop focusing on stories that reflect experiences of race and identity
CBBG will present at the 2nd Biennial Critical Mixed Race Studies Conference - FREE and open to the public