Video from Loving Day NYC 2013
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Loving Day Flagship Celebration 2013 from Loving Day on Vimeo.
Loving Day is an annual tradition that celebrates interracial relationships and multiethnic identity. Loving Day Celebrations mark the anniversary of Loving v. Virginia (1967), the Supreme Court decision that legalized interracial marriage in the United States. These celebrations are held every year on or around June 12th. Brooklyn Historical Society is a proud sponsor of this event - check out the Crossing Borders, Bridging Generations stuff at the 1:27 mark!
This is a video of the Loving Day Flagship Celebration we hosted in New York City, which is the largest of these events (about 1500 guests in 2013). We also encourage people to host their own celebrations for friends and family. In 2013, there were celebrations in cities all over the United States and around the world. Loving Day Celebrations are shared among friends and passed down through families to establish a new multicultural tradition.
Loving Day fights racial prejudice through education and builds multicultural community. It's a global network of annual celebrations that you can host or attend. It's also an educational campaign that you can be a part of every day.
For more information, please visit
Produced and directed by the very talented Craig Nisperos
(cc) Creative Commons
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