Alex Lubin
Scholarly and Community Advisor
Alex Lubin is Professor and Chair of the American Studies Department at the University of New Mexico. From 2008-2011 he was the Director of the Center for American Studies and Research at the American University of Beirut. Lubin's scholarship engages global histories of race, the African Diaspora, and America in the world, with a particular focus on U.S./Middle East relations. He is the author of Geographies of Liberation: The Making of an Afro-Arab Political Imaginary (UNC, 2014) and Romance and Rights: The Politics of Interracial Intimacy, 1945-1954. He is the editor of Revising the Blueprint: Ann Petry and the Literary Left, Settler Colonialism: A South Atlantic Quarterly Special issue with Alyosha Goldstein, American Studies Between the American Century and the Arab Spring (with Marwan Kraidy, forthcoming). Lubin is currently working on a history of a mid-nineteenth century naval ship called the USS Supply, a ship that was a key link in the global supply chain that enabled American expansion between the Mexican war and the Spanish American War.