via NBC News
Project News
From Octavia Butler to Harry Potter to new visionary fiction
Being Mixed in Today's America via Diverse Issues in Higher Education
Historian Renee Romano writes about the importance of the CBBG oral history collections
Report back from Between the Door and the Street
Join others interested in discussing family history, DNA, and the myth of purity.
Nov 16
Part 1 in our reading series: Quantifying Bloodlines
Oct 19
A public performance about gender politics, labor, and women's rights in Brooklyn; initiated by Suzanne Lacy with Creative Time and Brooklyn Museum
Dec 7
Part 2 on our readings series Quantifying Bloodlines
Jan 23
Join us for a panel presentation and discussion about the long and diverse history of Islam in America.
Dec 14
Join us for an interactive presentation and dialogue about mixed-race identity and the role of science fiction in creating racial justice.
Nov 9
Let's talk about race, ethnicity, and identity as it relates to art, filmmaking, and media. Join us for a panel discussion and interactive conversation!