Visual artists, historians, and community activists discuss Puerto Rican communities in 1970s New York.
Past Events (2013-2014)
Let’s talk about race, ethnicity, and identity. Panelists will start the conversation and we hope you’ll join in.
Presented by The Audre Lorde Project's SAFE OUTside the System, an anti-violence program
"Sometimes you substitute 'Black' for 'lower class' and they're not the same.
Celebrate Loving v. Virginia ~ Free ~ Multicultural ~ Family Friendly ~ Waterfront
"It's not so much me and Richard, it's the principle, it's the law - I don't think it's right." - Mildred Loving
"What makes you Black?" - Question Bridge
"You think of yourself as a colored man, I think of myself as a man." - John Prentice (Sidney Poitier) in Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?
"They probably think I'm some misogynist homophobic guido." - Vin Diesel
“Where are the brothers?”
- from Something New
Join a discussion about what it means to be Hapa. Once a derogatory label derived from the Hawaiian word for “half,” Hapa has since been embraced as a term of pride by many whose mixed racial heritage includes Asian or Pacific Island descent.
Watch Spike Lee’s iconic 1991 movie about mixed-heritage relationships, Jungle Fever, and hear how three panelists respond to the movie 20 years later.
Listen as historians and community members respond to oral history interviews with Crown Heights residents recorded in the 1990s and 2010. What’s changed? What’s stayed the same?
Participate in this discussion about mixed heritage co-sponsored by Loving Day, a global network fighting racial prejudice through education and building multicultural community.