Part 1 of our summer Mixed Monday film series is a 1959 Lana Turner classic - Imitation of Life
Themes: Self & Identity
New Books by CBBG Advisors!
Overlapping diasporas, Jewish fatherhood, Civil Rights murders, & more...
Why Teach Kids about Mixed Heritage?
Mixed-heritage narratives provide us with the opportunity to teach children from an early age that having a certain skin color, cultural background, or country of origin doesn’t determine a person’s value, despite messages we see in society.
Confronting Claims of Post-Racialism
A talk by Maureen Walker, PhD, via Wellesley Centers for Women
Millions of Americans Changed their Racial/Ethnic Identity from 2000 Census to 2010 Census
via Pew Research Center
American Hair
A traveling exhibit and lecture series about hair, beauty shop culture, race, and identity, by Candacy Taylor
The Next America
Intermarriage is playing a big role in changing some of our views of ethnicity - via Pew Research
On National Geographic's Prediction for 2050
Will increased racial mixing finally and permanently redefine how we imagine our racial identities?
The Men Who Left Were White
Personal essay about the history of mixed African and European ancestry
One Drop of Love - a performance by Fanshen Cox DiGiovanni
How does our belief in race affect our most intimate relationships?
"What Are You?" Is Not an Icebreaker
PSA by Singer/Songwriter Andromeda Turre via Huffington Post
Zines from the Borderlands: Storytelling about Mixed-Heritage
Come talk about race, gender, sexuality and media with four zinesters, activists and media-makers.
PHOTOS: Science Fiction & Multiraciality event
From Octavia Butler to Harry Potter to new visionary fiction