A project of Brooklyn Historical Society

Natalie Chassler

Interviewed by


Natalie Chassler was raised in a Jewish family during the interwar years in Brooklyn, New York. She attended Hunter College and the New York School of Social Work, both located in New York City. She worked as a social worker and headed the Manhattan Psychiatric Center.

Interview Highlight

"My grandmother had 7 children. And all the children were very close, there were no fights or anything. As a little girl some of the happiest moments were going to my grandmother -- we used to go every Sunday and have chocolate cake...We left Linden Boulevard because the depression was on and we couldn't afford the rent. I think the rent was $90 a month or something."

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Identifier: 2011.019.062
Date: August 29, 2013
Duration: 3:36:49
Citation: Oral history interview with Natalie Chassler, 2013-2014, 2011.019.062; Crossing Borders, Bridging Generations Oral History Collection, 2011.019; Brooklyn Historical Society.
Language: English
Interview Abstract:
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