A project of Brooklyn Historical Society

June Kaplan

Interviewed by


June Kaplan was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. Her parents, German Jews, immigrated to the United States in the 1930s. She attended Queens College and received an M.S.W. from New York University. She worked as a social worker, including as a contractor with the United States Air Force.

Interview Highlight

"My father was one of 12, only four of whom actually came through the war. The rest were either killed in Germany — I don’t know how many of them were interned in camps. There’s a hole in the knowledge that we have about the Feigenheimer side of the family. And one of the things I’m going to do when I’m retired is go back and patch together what happened to the other 11 brothers and sisters."

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Identifier: 2011.019.053
Date: June 24, 2013
Duration: 1:21:11
Citation: Oral history interview with June Kaplan, 2013, 2011.019.053; Crossing Borders, Bridging Generations Oral History Collection, 2011.019; Brooklyn Historical Society.
Language: English
Interview Abstract:
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