A project of Brooklyn Historical Society

Yasmin Nagi

Interviewed by


Yasmin Nagi was born in Brooklyn, New York. She was raised in Sana'a, Yemen by her Sudanese mother and Yemeni father until her family returned to Brooklyn when she was thirteen years old. She attended the Secondary School for Research in Park Slope, Brooklyn, and studied international relations at the City College of New York in Manhattan. While at City College, she became involved with the Arab Association of New York as a volunteer and a youth fellow.

Interview Highlight

"My cousin lives in Colorado, and she plays soccer. She wears a hijab. This year was her first game. It was a pretty big deal. And the referee didn’t let her play because of the hijab. She was pretty hurt, but her teammates were great enough to post up a picture of all of them wearing hijab, in support for Samah. And the picture really went viral. That day, they all did play with the hijab on. They were like, 'We’re not going to play unless you let us play this way, and Samah would play with us.'"

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Identifier: 2011.019.082
Date: March 18, 2014
Duration: 12:55:31
Citation: Oral history interview with Yasmin Nagi, 2014, 2011.019.082; Crossing Borders, Bridging Generations Oral History Collection, 2011.019; Brooklyn Historical Society.
Language: English
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