A project of Brooklyn Historical Society

Occupations by Color and Nationality in 1890

Posted on

September 13, 2012
Statistical Atlas of the United States (1890), plate 91 via A Handsome Atlas

Check out these data visualizations from the Nineteenth Century that Brooklyn Brainery is making available via an online archive A Handsome Atlas:

"After the Civil War, the US doubled down on the Census, cranking out stunning maps, charts, and graphs. About what? Literally everything. Liquor, lumber, Methodists, malaria, insanity, Irishmen: everything! Not Your Grandfather's Data Visualizations Probably your great-great-grandfather's, though. But frankly: they're all awesome and modern. Everything from wild maps to small multiples and choropleths. And plenty of pie charts."

Things in A Handsome Atlas tagged "ethnicity" are particularly interesting to CBBG - like this stacked bar graph above which shows the "Distribution of those engaged in certain selected occupations by color and nationality: 1890." 

Note the demographic categories used here: "Native White, Native Parents;" "Native White, Foreign Parents;" "Foreign White" with 8 choices of ethnicity; and "Colored."

The occupations listed are also an interesting reflection of the time period: "Draymen, Hackmen, Teamsters, etc." !