A project of Brooklyn Historical Society

My Mixed Kids Have It Differently

Posted on

April 3, 2013
2010 U.S. Census

NPR Host / Special Correspondent Michelle Norris is creating a radio series exploring race and cultural identity for Morning Edition.  She's basing her radio stories on submissions to The Race Card Project: candid submissions from people all over the country summing up their thoughts on race and cultural identity in six words.  

For example: My mixed kids have it differently.

The related radio piece, "When You're Mixed Race, Just One Box is Not Enough," (Listen here) features an African American father talking about raising his mixed-heritage, biracial children who consider themselves more than just one race; and another father, who is himself mixed heritage: "Picking just one box on a form, Dave says, meant choosing one race over another — and that meant denying part of his ancestry."

You can contribute your own six-word thoughts on race and cultural identity to The Race Card Project here

And if you're interested in how the racial categories for the boxes we check get determined in the first place, check out CBBG's upcoming event: U.S. Census: Rationalizing Race.