Births, marriages, deaths, movement, aging...
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A nice explanation about what people at the US Census Bureau are doing when they study demographics:
"Demography is literally 'Writing about people.' However, it has come to mean the quantative or statistical study of human populations. As such, most of what the U.S. Census Bureau does can be described as “demography,” from the taking of the census every 10 years, to collecting information on race, ethnicity, employment, income, poverty, commuting, health, crime victimization… the list would be long... What is happening demographically around the world will affect the United States in many ways. So, the demographers at the U.S. Census Bureau, do not restrict their work to only the U.S. population. They have an active program to gather and study population statistics from around the world to inform Federal agencies as well as U.S. businesses of these trends. A fine example of this is the report An Aging World, describing the effects of reduced fertility and mortality around the world to produce a population that is, on average, older than ever experienced in human history."